10 hours
26 - 27 September
Thursday - Friday
11:30 - 17:30
How does that woman navigate 38 plus years doing make believe?
You want the deep dive into how Susan Messing manages to have almost more fun than anyone on stage? Susan is going to give you EVERYTHING she has learned and shared for decades in order for you to have that much fun too.
This class might kill Susan but wouldn’t it be awesome to say you took the last classes she ever taught? Guaranteed improv street cred for life.*
*Cannot guarantee she will literally die but if she does, her cremation is pre-paid to the Neptune Society and she can die anywhere in the world and they’ll have to deal with it.

Fix It
Or Make it Worse
It is time to finally get those answers to the questions and problems with improvisation that you have thought about forever and just can’t crack the code.
This class is pretty self explanatory. Let’s break improv wide open, take rules out of the picture, and celebrate comedy again. If you’re in your head this’ll rip it out.
Perfect for people who have studied too much and learned too little. Bring a notebook or the notes section in your phone. You’ll need it.

3 hours
25 September
10:30 - 13:30

Group Pretty
This workshop makes stage pictures gorgeous, keeps you connecting and busy and active and important and not feeling like a worthless lump. Too much fun and great for all levels.
3 hours
28 September
10:30 - 13:30